Below are the six classifications of Geopathic Stress as identified from the site Safe Your Place
Characterized only by negative feelings and sensations
There are no symptoms yet
Characterized by inhibitions of emotions and sleep disorder
Characterized by the onset of major symptoms
Characterized by disruption of the digestive system
Characterized by learning problems, memory and cognitive function disorders
Characterized by immunity breakdown.
Continue on to read specific details of each stage.
The first stage of Geopathic stress can manifest itself differently from person to person. In some cases, manifestation can occur within a few hours. In other cases, manifestation can take several months to occur.
This stage can be very difficult to recognize. People do not pay much attention to the first manifestation and do not seek professional help. It has no unique pathology of its own, therefore people may not easily recognize it. This is because there are no symptoms in this stage, only negative feelings and sensations.
However, if some people are not recovering from common illnesses at the rate they think they should, then there may be a background of Geopathic Stress within the body. For instance, people may find that they just do not get over something like the flu. The effects hang around for weeks or months. This is the stage where there are no symptoms yet, but the first manifestation of neurotransmitter imbalance already occurs.
Geopathic Stress inhibits neurotransmitters and especially serotonin, which in this state can lead to mood dysfunction and apathy. People usually do not know that those subjective sensations and feelings are Geopathic Stress manifestations. As soon as people avoid Geopathic zones, all adverse manifestations and sensations can be permanently eliminated. If people continue to stay on Earth radiations, it can lead to the second stage of Geopathic Stress.
Some manifestations of the first stage of Geopathic Stress may include: feeling uncomfortable in your bed, favorite chair, or workplace without anyparticular reason; unpleasant sensations;mood disorder; apathy; flabbiness; worry; unreasonable sadness
In some cases, symptoms can occur within a few days, but normally symptoms take several months to occur. This stage is typically characterized by continued neurotransmitter imbalance which leads to two types of symptoms, sleep disorders and negative emotional effects.
Sleep Disorder:
Constant inhibition of such neurotransmitters as serotonin, GABA, and norepinephrine can lead to insomnia, waking up tired, and restless sleep. Those symptoms can disrupt people’s lifestyle and can lead to other symptoms such as drowsiness, weakness, and dizziness. Also, low levels of neurotransmitters can cause irritability, lack of appetite in the morning, headaches, fatigue, etc. All symptoms are not constant, although people experience them frequently. People don’t go to the doctor immediately. Usually doctors find nothing wrong with the health status and recommend rest, normal sleep, and to avoid stressful situations.
Negative Emotions
Another type of disorder in this stage is negative emotions. Decreases in serotonin, dopamine, or GABA can be the cause of those effects. Negative emotions occur constantly. Feelings of depression, anxiety, helplessness, and impending doom can have great influence on humans. They interact with people’s lifestyles. It affects work relationships, and creates family conflicts. There are significant effects of negative emotions on human’s health. Some researchers believe that the inhibition of expression of specific negative emotions can be tied to specific illnesses. Emotional inhibition might increase the risk of illness because it weakens the body. If a person has a virus or other medical condition, negative emotions can indeed affect the course of the illness, and of recovery. The stage of the emotional relay is the release of hormones, which produce the energy of emotion. As soon as the Geopathic Stress gets to the point where the human body’s hormones get involved, the second stage gradually transitions into Geopathic Stress stage 3.
Stage 2 Symptoms May Include: Sleep disorder, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficult staying asleep, Waking too early, Restless sleep, Waking frequently, Nightmares, Night sweats, Feeling cold or shivering in bed, Impending doom, Drowsiness, Dizziness, Weakness, Headaches, Irritability, Fatigue, Feeling depressed, Anxiety, Lack of appetite in the morning.
This stage is when major symptoms occur. In some cases, symptoms can occur within a few months. In other cases, it takes several years to occur. Those symptoms can remain for a long time, but once the cause of the Geopathic threat is avoided, the body function and health conditions usually go back to normal. During months and years, Geopathic Stress gradually and very weakly, but constantly, influences the human body.
At this stage, Geopathic Stress has a negative influence on the body, and serious threats may occur to the physical and mental health. The body starts to actively respond to the natural radiation threat. The human body tries to defend itself and do whatever needs to be done to protect the brain and other organs. When people experience constant intense negative emotions (stage 2) and continual long-term Geopathic Stress influence, the brain responds by initiating 1,400 different responses, including activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system.
The hypothalamus sends signals to the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic system becomes activated in response to the threat. The sympathetic system is a fast-acting system that allows response to the immediate demand of the situation by activating and increasing arousal. Also, the HPA system triggers the production and release of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is very important in the marshaling system throughout the body, including the heart, lungs, circulation, metabolism, and immune system. The HPA system also releases certain neurotransmitters(catecholamines), dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
Geopathic Stress leads to sexual dysfunction, increases the likelihood of illness, and often the manifestation of skin ailments. Epinephrine (adrenalin) raises the heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and amount of sugar in the blood. Adrenalin and a variety of other psychological mechanisms are needed to combat the stress, and to stay in control. As long as the Geopathic influence is constant, there is a constant release of adrenalin by the adrenal glands. High levels of adrenalin in the blood stream can lead to adrenal dysfunction.
Symptoms may include fatigue and weakness, muscle and bone loss, moodiness or depression, hormone imbalance, and suppression of the immune system. If cortisol stays high for too long, it can be a harmful contributor to hypertension, and emotional problems such as depression. Sustained high cortisol destroys healthy muscle and bones. It also slows down healing and normal cell replacement, impairs digestion, metabolism and mental function, and weakens the immune system. Depression is a well recognized common side effect of cortisol. Cortisol effectively lowers the brain’s serotonin level, which can cause depression.
If Geopathic Stress never shuts off, stress hormones produce feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Over-sensitivity to Geopathic Stress has been linked with severe depression, because depressed people have a harder time adapting to the negative side effects of cortisol. Excessive amounts of cortisol can continue to cause sleep disturbances, loss of sex drive, and lack of interest in sex. Depression and anxiety may contribute to illness in some individuals, but illness also makes some people depressed or anxious. Tense muscles can cause headaches and neck pain. If in this stage, people eliminate Geopathic zones, they will have no further adverse health and emotional conditions.
In short bursts, elevated adrenalin is not damaging or dangerous. In fact, that is what it is designed to do. But when sustained at high levels over a period of time, it can be very harmful. Such long-term over-arousal and excessive flow of this hormone will eventually lead to physiological and psychological distress.
Symptoms of the third stage of Geopathic Stress May Include: Accelerated human heartbeat, Increased breathing rate, Increased blood sugar, Hypertension, Depression,
Muscle cramps tension, pain, Numbness in arms/legs, Tingling in arms/legs, Neck pain,
Anxiety, Loss of sex drive, Lack of interest in sex, Helplessness,Temporary impotence, Migraine headaches
Sexual and Reproductive Dysfunction
Sexual Function: Stress can lead to diminished sexual desire and an inability to achieve orgasm in women. Stress response can also cause temporary impotence in men. Part of the stress response involves the release of brain chemicals that constrict the smooth muscles of the penis and its arteries. This constriction reduces the blood flow into and increases the blood flow out of the penis, which can prevent erection.
Premenstrual Syndrome: Some studies indicate that the stress response in women with premenstrual syndrome may be more intense than in those without the syndrome.
Fertility: Stress may even affect fertility. Stress hormones have an impact on the hypothalamus gland, which produces reproductive hormones. Severely elevated cortisol levels can even shut down menstruation. One interesting small study reported a significantly higher incidence of pregnancy loss in women who experienced both high stress and prolonged menstrual cycles. Another reported that women with stressful jobs had shorter periods than women with low-stress jobs
It takes one to three years for symptoms to occur in this stage. If Geopathic Stress is not overcome, physical changes in response to natural threats are an essential adaptation for meeting negative effects.
The human organism tries to adapt to Geopathic Stress by producing and activating more hormones, increasing blood pressure, and increasing blood sugar level to sustain energy. The result of the adaptation process is in the consumption of the body’s energy reserves.
Geopathic Stress constantly influences the human body, gradually weakening the organism, upsetting homeostasis and internal organs, leaving humans vulnerable to diseases. Geopathic zones have effects on all parts of the body, including the digestive system. Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often linked to Geopathic Stress because the blood has to leave these organs and move to muscles. Prolonged Geopathic Stress can disrupt the digestive system, irritating the large intestine and causing diarrhea, constipation, cramping, and bloating. It’s common to have a stomach ache. This happens because stress hormones slow the release of stomach acid and the emptying of the stomach.
The same hormones also stimulate the colon, which speeds the passage of its contents. Geopathic Stress may predispose someone to ulcers or sustain existing ulcers. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (spastic colon) is strongly related to Geopathic Stress. With this condition, the large intestine becomes irritated, and its muscular contractions are spastic rather than smooth and wave-like. The abdomen is bloated and the patient experiences cramping and alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea. This hormone can increase appetite and cause weight gain.
To reiterate, chronically elevated cortisol levels contribute to the accumulation of abdominal fat, and make it very difficult to counteract tension and therefore gain weight. Weight gain can occur even with a healthy diet in people exposed to Geopathic Stress. The release of cortisol appears to promote abnormal fat, and may be the primary connection between Geopathic Stress and weight gain in such people.
In rare cases, Geopathic Stress may trigger hyperactivity of the thyroid gland. This stimulates appetite but causes the body to burn up calories at a faster rate. Therefore, people lose weight. Stress-induced hormones help the human body provide energy to get through the situation. Cortisol and DHEA work as a team to get people through prolonged Geopathic Stress’ effects. DHEA is the most abundant hormone in the bloodstream. It seems to balance the effects of cortisol by improving the body’s ability to cope with Geopathic Stress. DHEA also provides the course material for the production of many other hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Clinical studies suggest that DHEA can boost energy levels and reduce body fat. But when the adrenals are chronically overworked and straining to maintain high cortisol levels, they lose the capacity to produce DHEA in sufficient amounts. Insufficient DHEA contributes to fatigue, bone loss, loss of muscle mass, decreased sex drive, and impaired immune function.
The adrenal glands get overburdened and worn out. This can have serious effects on the human organism. This can lead to many health and mental problems, including memory impairment, lack of energy, heart and vessel diseases, depression, immune system suppression, and even increased susceptibility to stroke and cancer.
Symptoms of the fourth stage of Geopathic Stress May Appear as: Poor digestion, Diarrhea,
Constipation , Colon Irritation , Ulcer , Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Obesity.
In this stage, symptoms can occur within 3-5 years. The body has run out of its reserve of body energy and immunity. Mental, physical and emotional resources suffer heavily. Instead of shutting off once the crisis is over, the process continues, with they hypothalamus continuing to signal the adrenals to produce cortisol.
This increased cortisol production exhausts the stress mechanism, leading to chronic fatigue and anxiety. Cortisol also interferes with serotonin activity, furthering the depressive effect. Prolonged high cortisol levels lead to high blood sugar that may develop into diabetes.
Diabetes disrupts the body’s mechanism for moving glucose out of the bloodstream and using it in cells. As a result, levels of blood glucose stay excessively high, leading to serious complications over time. The adrenals become depleted, leading to decreased Geopathic Stress tolerance, progressive mental and physical exhaustion, illness and collapse. This stage is where the depletion is so high that the people lose the ability to adapt to the adverse influences.
The human organism has exhausted its energy reserves trying to contain the Geopathic Stress, and starts to self-destroy. As soon as the Geopathic Stress reaches the exhaustion point, it starts to effect the major organs and systems in the human body. Damaged functions include the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, kidney, muscles, and joints, and more importantly the immune system. The immune system remains significantly suppressed and individuals become more susceptible to infections, both minor and major. Also, it is typical in this stage to have a lack of energy. Very often a person in middle age will think that this is a sign of premature aging, but examining the problem in more depth, it is likely the person has lived with Geopathic Stress for a long time.
A few years’ overreaction to Geopathic Stress overloads the brain with powerful hormones that are intended only for short-term duty in emergency situations. The cumulative effect is damage and death of brain cells. Geopathic Stress in this stage has significant effect on the human brain.
Catecholamines suppress activity in areas at the front of the brain concerned with memory, concentration, inhibition, and rational thought. Stress hormones divert blood glucose from the brain, and energy to the hippocampus is diminished. This compromises the memory and cognitive function that affect learning ability.
The typical victim of long-term Geopathic Stress complains of the following: loss of concentration at work and at home, learning problems, inappropriate responses to major changes in life situations, inability to sit for very long, behavior problems, aggression, problems staying calm, insecurity, self-confidence problems, panic attacks, and emotional problems (anxieties, depression, and exhaustion).
Symptoms of the fifth stage of Geopathic Stress may include:Diabetes, Inability to heal, Panic Attacks, Difficulty concentrating, Learning problems, Behavior problems, Aggression, Memory problems, Lack of interest in doing something, Decision-making problems, Inadequate responses to major changes in life situations, ADD and Chronic Fatigue
In this stage, symptoms can occur within 5 or more years. This stage is associated with a high risk for serious cardiac events and complete suppression of the immune system. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart diseases, high blood pressure, and asthma.
Recent research has made it very clear that hyper-arousal of the adrenal system is the essential causative factor in coronary and arterial diseases. The chronic increased flow of adrenalin and cortisol and sympathetic nervous system activities may negatively affect the heart in several ways:
Increases the pumping action and heart rate and causes the arteries to constrict, thereby posing a risk for blocking blood flow the heart.
Emotional effects during Geopathic Stress alter the heart rhythms and pose a risk for serious arrhythmias in people with existing heart rhythm disturbances.
Causes blood to become stricter increasing the likelihood of artery-clogging blood clots.
An increase in the production of blood cholesterol
A decrease in the body’s ability to remove cholesterol
Causes people who have relatively low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin to produce more of certain immune proteins (called cytokines), which in high amounts causes inflammation and damage to cells, including possibly heart cells
Cortisol levels also appear to play a role in the accumulation of abdominal fat, which gives people an “apple” shape. People with apple body shapes have a higher risk of heart diseases than do people with “pear” body shapes, where weight is more concentrated in the hips. These effects can lead to great risk factors for heart attack, heart rhythm abnormalities and stroke.
Continually high cortisol levels lead to suppression of the immune system through increased production of interleukin-6, an immune system messenger. Research’s findings indicate that prolonged Geopathic Stress and depression have a negative effect on the immune system. Also, adrenal exhaustion which occurs in this stage involves a depletion of energy reserves and loss of resilience.
The body’s energy reserves are exhausted, and resistance to the Geopathic Stress may gradually reduce, or may collapse quickly. This means the immune system and the body’s ability to resist diseases may be almost totally eliminated. The body runs out of the immunity to fight disease, and breakdown will occur. Thereby reduced immunity makes the body mores susceptible to everything from cold and flu to cancer. Geopathic Stress appears to blunt the immune response and increases the risk of infection.
A number of studies have shown that subjects under Geopathic Stress have low white blood cell counts and are vulnerable to infections and disease. Long-term exposure to Geopathic zones can cause bronchial asthma. There is a release of certain chemical substances (histamine, and acethylcholine) within the lung tissue which in turn cause the bronchial muscle to spasm, increased bronchial secretions, and swelling of the bronchial tubes.
Rheumatoid arthritis also can be caused by an aberration of the body’s immune defense mechanism, possibly overactive B cells or defective regulation by T cells. Geopathic Stress has been implicated in increasing the risk for periodontal disease, which is disease in the gums that can cause tooth loss. This stage of Geopathic Stress can worsen many skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, hives and acne.
Thereby all those diseases are connected to the immune suppression process, which very often can lead people to die from such diseases as cancer, pneumonia, coronary disease, or infection. The death does not come from Geopathic Stress itself. The human organism loses all its resistance in its effort to ward off the prolonged Geaopathic Stress
Symptoms of the Sixth stage of Geopathic Stress may include: Cardiovascular diseases, Heart attack, Arthritis , Kidney disorders, Allergies, Skin diseases, Bronchial asthma, Stroke, and Infertility and miscarriages
Geopathic stress is a natural phonemenon which affects certain places and can be damaging to our health. It relates to irregularities in the earth's magnetic field, which can be aggravated by a variety of features. So come on in, put your feet up awhile, and learn about this interesting topic....what it is, what it does, what the signs and symptoms are, and how you can deal with it if you are being affected.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Stages of Geopathic Stress
Posted by
Susan & Scott Anderson
8:55 AM
Labels: Geopathic Stress, Signs and Symptoms
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